Saturday, September 15, 2012

Vending Machines

I promised a picture of a vending machine in America right? This is a drink one.

 This vending machine sells soda from top to bottom there is Pepsi which is similar to Coca-Cola. Crush is an orange flavored soda. Under that there is a no sugar Pepsi. The green bottle is Mountain Dew. Mountain Dew is lemon-lime flavored and it has a lot of caffeine. Below that is Dr. Pepper which tastes like Coca-cola except it's way better and it has cherry flavoring in it. On the bottom is just bottled water.

 This is a vending machine that has food in it. Mostly it just has candy, cookies, and chips,

Each item has a letter and a number under it so to select it you type in the same letter and number to get it.

Origami Yoda

Look! It's an origami Yoda! My friend's mother asked me it I could fold this for her friend. Cool isn't it? Do you know Yoda?