Saturday, September 15, 2012

Vending Machines

I promised a picture of a vending machine in America right? This is a drink one.

 This vending machine sells soda from top to bottom there is Pepsi which is similar to Coca-Cola. Crush is an orange flavored soda. Under that there is a no sugar Pepsi. The green bottle is Mountain Dew. Mountain Dew is lemon-lime flavored and it has a lot of caffeine. Below that is Dr. Pepper which tastes like Coca-cola except it's way better and it has cherry flavoring in it. On the bottom is just bottled water.

 This is a vending machine that has food in it. Mostly it just has candy, cookies, and chips,

Each item has a letter and a number under it so to select it you type in the same letter and number to get it.

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